Friday, September 19, 2008

Crossing our fingers

How fun was tonight???

I'm going to try to post pictures as soon as I can. (yeah right) but we had our rehearsal for Marty and Alyssa's wedding.

To start with, I walk in my mom's house and Tricia and I have yet once again planned to wear the exact same outfit. Oh no...I wasn't wearing a white skirt with a deep neck black shirt. That would be too easy. I was wearing white pants with a black super cute top. By the way, I was wearing a necklace. Our shoes were also black patent. Why? How does this always happen. It's not even like we just both happen to wear black sweaters. NO......For my mom's celebration of life party, we both independently planned on wearing dark denim and plum colored cowled neck sweaters. Not just purple or deep v-d but almost the same wardrobe. Might I mention we live on separate coasts. Weird.

So anyways, getting to the point, I know for a fact, Tricia and I are wearing different colors tomorrow. I know for a fact, Estancia is amazing! I want to definitely return there. I also know Alyssa is going to be an amazing bride. I'm so excited to call her sister-in-law!!!!

I also know that Christopher is going to be an amazing ring bearer. He tried his heart's content to hold his Avery girl's hand. He knew what his job was supposed to be. Although, Avery is going to either amaze us or confirm to us. That's what it is.

My bet is, she's going to amaze us, especially when she knows candy is on the other side.

So...cross your fingers, she amazes us, plus we're doing curlers.

Ultimately, cross your fingers.
