Saturday, July 12, 2008

Not Much has changed

Well, I take that back. When Avery was born, she looked like Ty in a pink sleeper outfit. However, two years, 4 months, and 17 days, she's pretty much the princess in the pea. We've done all we know how to do. Yet, her favorite places to sleep are exactly the same places a few days after she was born. Cuddled up to someone.

Tonight, she's had some Benadryl. Let's just say she's had an allergic reaction to something. (she really didn't)

My Avery Girl, is also nothing but the sweetest, kindest my love-bug you're ever going to know. I have to say this to remind me how kind she is.

Yet....(fly-swatter mode) when she tries to climb in our bed at 3:00. 3:05, 4:10, etc...etc....she's a little well let's say resembles the pictures of her as a newborn.

I'm tired.

I love you to the Target, swimming lessons, Nannie's house, park, backyard, beach, Sea World, and that great big banana moon that you see every night.

Good Night my Love, (Stay asleep)

***UPDATE**** Was asleep by 10. That is, after she was put in her bed at 8:00. Awake at 1:30, (took 5 minutes to get her calm in her bed) Awake at 2:30 (took an hour to get her to calm down) Awake at 7;45. Oh well