Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Squatting Monkeys Tell No Lies

Ty and I just got back from the funniest thing ever: Dana Carvey. If you're ever bored, please "youtube" Dana Carvey.

Our favorites were (gay Forest Gump/Al Gore, Andy Rooney)

I ask you... how do you respond to, " I shit you not" "You've got to be shitting me." Again, when did that response become a No or you're kidding? TOOO funny.

Love, Ty and Gina

Sunday, July 13, 2008

top ten gratitudes

way back at biola, this person on oprah mentioned the benefits of doing a gratitude journal. so i think i'm going to start my top ten weekly gratitudes. in no particular order

1. Sex and the city movie: a special movie on friendship, forgiveness, and fashion!!

2. Loreal mineral makeup: I love you prescriptives, but I think we're almost through with our relationship. your cheaper friend won me over

3. Oxygen network and Soapopera channel: Only because they reshow old 90210 episodes and my new favorite, Tori and Dean show

4. Iced tea: Ty and I are rediscovering all the amazing flavors of iced tea during the summer. Our favorites are mint and orange/black.

5. Sunglasses: especially the pink princess variety. Can someone please tell me why Avery insists on wearing her new glasses on her upper forehead?????

6. Orbit Bubble Mint: If there was any question my family has addictive personalities, that was answered with the way my children search my purse for gum. They're quite good at chewing it and now swallowing.

7. Air conditioner: I'm perimenopausal...I know it

8. Baby Lotion: Why don't I smell that way after a bath

9. Number recognition: As I typed the number 9, Avery, recognized that number and showed it to me on her fingers.

10. New friends: We met new people today.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Not Much has changed

Well, I take that back. When Avery was born, she looked like Ty in a pink sleeper outfit. However, two years, 4 months, and 17 days, she's pretty much the princess in the pea. We've done all we know how to do. Yet, her favorite places to sleep are exactly the same places a few days after she was born. Cuddled up to someone.

Tonight, she's had some Benadryl. Let's just say she's had an allergic reaction to something. (she really didn't)

My Avery Girl, is also nothing but the sweetest, kindest my love-bug you're ever going to know. I have to say this to remind me how kind she is.

Yet....(fly-swatter mode) when she tries to climb in our bed at 3:00. 3:05, 4:10, etc...etc....she's a little well let's say resembles the pictures of her as a newborn.

I'm tired.

I love you to the Target, swimming lessons, Nannie's house, park, backyard, beach, Sea World, and that great big banana moon that you see every night.

Good Night my Love, (Stay asleep)

***UPDATE**** Was asleep by 10. That is, after she was put in her bed at 8:00. Awake at 1:30, (took 5 minutes to get her calm in her bed) Awake at 2:30 (took an hour to get her to calm down) Awake at 7;45. Oh well

Monday, July 7, 2008

A new Monday

So weird...Keith Urban and his wife, Nicole Kidman, named their daugter Sunday. I want to say I get it, yet I don't.

Yesterday, we we decided to attend a new church: at Parkway Middle School. Legacy. It's were I used to share croissants with friends, secretly be smitten with Pete, get dressed up as twin day with Joanna, be envious of Ally's bangs, love to show off my all-star jacket, get nervous during "cap night" that my hair wasn't as frilly as the girls above me. How strange that all my adolescent good times yet anxities are in that building. Yet, I've never felt more welcome.

We had a great time and plan on attending again. When I say we had a great time, it was the most welcome we've ever felt in a LONG time.

So, for some reason Ty wants me to post about certain things. I think he's waiting for it to show up in my thoughts. Well, my love, you're my upmost thought. I love you so much. Even though you sound like a stroke victim, I can't wait to go shopping with you soon.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"This is..."

So tonight was a ton of fun. For the last two seasons, Christopher has loved... I mean love American Idol. We all thought it was so strange how he could almost accurately predict who would be voted off. So Ty and I took him to see the concert.

Avery Girl, had to stay with Nannie and Poppa. That was almost a disaster because Christopher would more times than not stay with them than do something special with us. Oh well...I digress.

Before dinner, the best present was he got to eat at Jack in the Box and get Chock Sucky Chox (sp?) toys with his dinner. Enlighten me as to why chickens with afros that do karate are funny. As I type it, I get it.

Long story short.....SO MUCH FUN! Despite the weird bald guy next to us. Ty checked several times to make sure that he wasn't a "deviant", "nut case" or freak. He banged his hands and stomped harder than the 13 year olds sitting in front of us. I have a new secret crush. Michael Johns. His version of "We are the Champions" was amazing. It reminded me of one of my favorite lines from movies. "No one will be free until nerd persecution is over." That was one of the final lines from Revenge of the Nerds. As the credits rolled, so did that song.

So throughout the concert, Christopher and Ty ate the following: a huge tub of popcorn, cotton candy, 2 sprites, a bag of Skittles. He also hugged a humongo Pop Tart. The sugar in him will probably give him a case of the "sugars" tomorrow. BTW, I heard that as a funny - yet - not so funny for Type 2 diabetes.

As Ty was carrying him to the parking lot, Christopher told us his favorite part of the concert was David Cook. I love him too. However, he rattled off each snack and present he got that night too as a favorite.

One of the sweetest parts though was when he realized that we were taking him home and not picking up Avery. In his weariness and sugar coma, he started to loose it because he, "will just miss Avery too much" "She needs me" "I don't care if she's grumpy if we wake her, I love her." The awesome part was that God sent two coyotes down our street to distract him enough to get his mind off of her.

Anyways, there's no one hopping into my bed tonight, so after a really awesome episode of Shear Genius, I think I'm going to bed.
